Two sons of Adam.
Two daughters of Eve.
A white witch and Turkish Delight.
Who will find Aslan first?
64 of the students involved in the Freedom Baptist stage production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe met after the final performance for their annual cast party. Most still in makeup, they ate a quick meal and were organized into 15 teams for a special treasure hunt.
Within the walls of their school, students racing through darkened hallways to solve clues and perform the tasks that would help them to find Aslan.

As clues were solved, teams gathered the two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve (photos of the actors in full costume).
Eventually a room was discovered where the White Witch was impatiently waiting.
Many teams stumbled into her presence and were subsequently chastised, White-Witch-style, to "Get out! Get out I say!" until they could produce the two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve.

Once the two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve were presented to the White Witch, each team member was required to partake of some Turkish Delight.
15 teams struggled valiantly . . . but only one could be victorious.

Click here for downloadable photos from the hunt.